Many of the bears on-line are obviously collectibles and not childrens' toys. After thinking about this, I decided to make sure that the bears were good for kids. I sew good tight seams with extra stitching at stress points (as if a child were pulling on arms, legs, etc.), no buttons for choking or extra-long tails on the mice for strangling. However, I can make bears that are collectible but specify that they are not suitable for small children.
If you search around, you will find that most of the bears on-line or in stores are made of very expensive materials. I believe mine are much more "down to earth" and just plain huggable for the very young and old alike. (Also, they are washable.)
I put together a 22" polar bear yesterday. I decided to make him striped overalls with a conductor's hat. I was surprised at how much bigger he really is than the one I made for my friend's little boy. My patterns are 18", 20", and 22".
In addition, I also make animals and cloth dolls. I like to make dolls because small children can hug and snuggle them without bumping into hard plastic pieces.
I am hoping that the appeal of my critters will be their adaptability and accessories. I am inspired by the fabric I see. I just can't seem to go looking for something in particular for a project. The project seems to find me all on its own. Just like the clothes I make for my family and friends. I see fabrics and become inspired!
Depending on doll or creature size and accessories, my menagerie sell for $20
- $40. I also sell custom placemats in sets of 4.
If you have something in particular in mind, let me know. I am always eager
to accomodate, and I love new ideas.